Ron Diller’s Wooden Puzzles & Toys

 & Toys

Ron Diller Brings Joy to Kids & Parents with His Wooden Puzzles

Ron Diller is an accomplished woodworker and the son of a Covenant Living at the Holmstad resident. He has again graciously donated several wooden puzzles for the September 21 Bazaar.

Ron reports, “I’ve been producing these puzzles for seven years and through the years have used existing patterns and developed some of my own patterns and designs.  Some puzzles are painted, and others left natural wood.  

“Seasonal puzzles (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.) are my favorite ones to make and I try to come up with different designs every year. They’ve brought a lot of joy to kids and parents, and I enjoy coming up with new designs as I continue to produce them.”

toy, Christmas, gift, child, wood

Ron’s Wooden Puzzles & Toys

The pieces of Ron’s puzzles range from 1” to 1/8” thick, 2” to 15” tall, by 2” to 20” long.  Most of them will stand up for ease of display.  Some are framed for travel or can be placed on a coffee table to entertain guests.