Books & Puzzles for All Ages

26 Categories of Books in the Shop

One large room is filled with books and puzzles for all ages. The books are sorted into 26 categories so you can easily find your favorite mysteries, best sellers, cookbooks, children’s books, and coffee table books. Here is a small sample of more than 2,000 items that will be available in the Books & Puzzles Shop at the Bazaar on Sept. 21, 9 am – 3:00 pm. During the summer, more books and puzzles will be donated by residents, and we will update this page. 

Judy Johnson is the chair of the Book & Puzzle Shop Committee. Come visit this page of the Bazaar website later this summer to see what special “finds” she will feature. She would love to visit with you at the Bazaar on Saturday, September 21 from 9 am – 3 pm.

Civil War

A large number of books about the Civil War were donated by one resident. His collection is extensive. 





Children’s Books

Some of the children’s books are Caldecott winners. Buy them at bargain prices and please the children in your life.  







adult, book, child, gift, puzzle